Reflexology - £22.00
Benefits of Reflexology include:
- Reflexology helps relieve stress and tension.
- Blood & lymphatic circulation is improved.
- Promotes the unblocking of nerve impulses (7200 nerve endings in each foot).
- Reflexology helps rid the body of toxins.
- Promotes deep relaxation.
- Enhanced sense of well being.
- Restores and maintains the body's natural balance.
- Calms over activity and stimulates under activity in the body.
- Promotes healthy sleep.
- Stimulates self awareness & improves co-ordination and co-operation between the bodily systems
Whilst the art of reflexology dates back to Ancient Egypt, India and China, it wasn't until 1915 that an American, Dr William Fitzgerald, first introduced this therapy to the West as 'zone therapy'. In the 1930's this 'zone therapy' was further developed by Eunice Ingham, the US pioneer in this field, into what is now known as reflexology. It was introduced to the UK in the early 1960's by Doreen Bayly, a student of Eunice Ingham.
Reflexology is based on the principle that there are reflex points in the feet (and hands) that correspond with all of the glands, organs and parts of the body. In effect, the body is 'mirrored' in the feet. Reflexology is a complementary health therapy that works on the reflex points in the feet to alleviate stress and tension, promote deep relaxation and encourage healing to the whole person, holistically.

A professionally trained reflexologist can detect subtle changes in the specific points on the feet and by working these reflex points may affect the corresponding organ or system of the body.
A person experiencing illness or disease or recovering from illness or injury may sense tenderness in these areas. This indicates congestion or tension in the corresponding area of the body. An organ, gland or body area which has congestion may have reduced/restricted blood or nerve supply therefore it isn't functioning as well as it should.
The practitioner uses their hands (fingers, thumbs, knuckles) to apply pressure to stimulate the reflexes in the feet which helps break down and disperse congestion that has built up around the nerve endings. In this way congestion is alleviated allowing improved blood and nerve supply to the area, therefore enabling that organ or gland to function more efficiently. In order to keep the body at a healthy balance, it is imperative that the blood and nerve supply to every organ and gland be at a maximum.
Reflexology promotes glands or organs, which are either over-active or under-active, to return to normal healthy functioning. Imbalances within the various body systems are corrected. The natural healing ability of the body is encouraged, thereby restoring its natural balance. Reflexology will not make a condition worse. It helps nature to normalize body functions, to achieve balance (homeostasis).
Reflexology is one of the most popular complementary therapies in the UK. Its popularity is testimony of its success in helping with a great many health conditions, although you do not have to be ill to experience its many therapeutic benefits.
It is thought that as much as 75% of illness is stress related. Reflexology can help relieve the stress and tension that can be detrimental to your health and helps you to cope with stress on a physical, mental and emotional level. More and more health professionals recognise the benefits of reflexology. It is an effective natural therapy, which can be used safely alongside modern medicine. It should however never be used in place of seeking professional medical advice.

Reflexology is a complementary health therapy that works on the reflex points in the feet to alleviate stress and tension, promote deep relaxation and encourage healing to the whole person, holistically.
Reflexology, relaxing, reduces stress, tension, increases energy, Maidstone, Kent, Treats whole body system, pressure points, south east rellexology